Discovering Lemuria

One of the best feelings in the world has got to be that perfect random discovery of an awesome band when you’re just going along about your day. I stumbled upon Lemuria in the most unlikely way: browsing through EBay for first edition copies of my favorite F. Scott Fitzgerald books. Now, the correlation between Lemuria and Fitzgerald is simply an awesome T-Shirt design they’ve created in the past. So, with my curiosity peaked, I looked this band up, and I found pure gold.

          Lemuria is an indie punk rock band trio, based out of Buffalo, New York. Alex Kerns takes the role of the drummer and shares vocals with guitarist, Sheena Ozzella, and Max Gregor plays the bass. These guys have been bringing sweet tunes to the ears of the public since 2004. Their influences include Superchunk, Lemonheads, Sebadoh, Thin Lizzy, and Wipers.